Cleveland ZIP Codes West Virginia – USA
The ZIP Codes of Cleveland West Virginia, WV is 26215, Cleveland is located at latitude of 38.7133 and a longitude of -80.388, and it has Upshur county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Cleveland.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
35049 72030 30528 56017 64734 38732 38733 27013 58424 87715 13042 44101 44102 44103 44104 44105 44106 44108 44109 44110 44111 44112 44113 44114 44115 44118 44119 44120 44121 44124 44125 44126 44127 44128 44129 44130 44134 44135 44143 44144 44181 44188 44190 44191 44192 44193 44194 44195 44197 44198 44199 74020 29635 37311 37312 37320 37323 37364 77327 77328 84518 24225 53015 26215 |
USA | West Virginia | Cleveland | Upshur |
ZIP Codes Map
Cleveland county
Cleveland, WV is located in Upshur County. Check the Upshur County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code West Virginia
Check the entire West Virginia ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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