Davenport ZIP Codes Virginia – USA
The ZIP Codes of Davenport Virginia, VA is 24239, Davenport is located at latitude of 37.1134 and a longitude of -82.1501, and it has Buchanan county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Davenport.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
95017 33836 33837 33896 33897 52801 52802 52803 52804 52805 52806 52807 52808 52809 58021 68335 13750 13751 13860 74026 24239 99122 |
USA | Virginia | Davenport | Buchanan |
ZIP Codes Map
Davenport county
Davenport, VA is located in Buchanan County. Check the Buchanan County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Virginia
Check the entire Virginia ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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