Alton ZIP Codes Utah – USA
The ZIP Codes of Alton Utah, UT is 84710, Alton is located at latitude of 37.4699 and a longitude of -112.5484, and it has Kane county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Alton.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
99640 35015 92275 96118 32547 32548 32549 30719 30720 30721 30722 51003 62983 62894 61414 62002 62024 61925 46994 67151 67623 41094 41464 1226 1227 20611 56373 56324 65246 65606 63386 69131 68461 3809 3810 12910 13856 14836 14413 44133 45621 44618 97490 18414 84002 84710 24520 5068 53926 26257 25286 |
USA | Utah | Alton | Kane |
ZIP Codes Map
Alton county
Alton, UT is located in Kane County. Check the Kane County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Utah
Check the entire Utah ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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