Harrisburg ZIP Codes Oregon – USA
The ZIP Codes of Harrisburg Oregon, OR is 97446, Harrisburg is located at latitude of 44.2717 and a longitude of -123.1432, and it has Linn county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Harrisburg.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
72432 62946 65256 28075 69345 43126 97446 17101 17102 17103 17104 17105 17106 17107 17108 17109 17110 17111 17112 17113 17120 17121 17122 17123 17124 17125 17126 17127 17128 17129 17130 17140 17177 57032 |
USA | Oregon | Harrisburg | Linn |
ZIP Codes Map
Harrisburg county
Harrisburg, OR is located in Linn County. Check the Linn County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Oregon
Check the entire Oregon ZIP Code list.
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