Sparta ZIP Codes North Carolina – USA
The ZIP Codes of Sparta North Carolina, NC is 28675, Sparta is located at latitude of 36.5089 and a longitude of -81.1384, and it has Alleghany county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Sparta.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
31087 62286 41086 49345 65753 28675 7871 43350 44626 16434 29301 29302 29303 29304 29305 29306 29307 29319 38583 22552 54656 |
USA | North Carolina | Sparta | Alleghany |
ZIP Codes Map
Sparta county
Sparta, NC is located in Alleghany County. Check the Alleghany County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code North Carolina
Check the entire North Carolina ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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