Marshall ZIP Codes Minnesota – USA
The ZIP Codes of Marshall Minnesota, MN is 56258, Marshall is located at latitude of 44.4481 and a longitude of -95.7795, and it has Lyon county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Marshall.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
99585 72650 94940 31057 50158 62441 47859 49068 56258 65340 28553 28753 58644 44645 73056 18335 75670 75671 75672 20115 20116 99020 53559 |
USA | Minnesota | Marshall | Lyon |
ZIP Codes Map
Marshall county
Marshall, MN is located in Lyon County. Check the Lyon County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Minnesota
Check the entire Minnesota ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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