Cedar ZIP Codes Minnesota – USA
The ZIP Codes of Cedar Minnesota, MN is 55011, Cedar is located at latitude of 45.3414 and a longitude of -93.235, and it has Anoka county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Cedar.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
35959 72932 96104 95924 92321 92322 81413 32625 39832 30125 50613 50614 52401 52402 52403 52404 52405 52406 52407 52408 52409 52410 52411 52497 52498 52499 52543 50454 61316 61013 47016 46303 66843 67024 67628 49319 49621 49719 48812 55011 63016 65627 39741 28520 27231 27230 28718 68627 68016 68015 8018 8311 7009 7927 87008 87009 11516 45314 17727 19423 38321 37032 78612 75104 75106 77415 78613 78630 84720 84721 84013 24609 53012 53013 26611 25039 |
USA | Minnesota | Cedar | Anoka |
ZIP Codes Map
Cedar county
Cedar, MN is located in Anoka County. Check the Anoka County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Minnesota
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