Lane ZIP Codes Kansas – USA
The ZIP Codes of Lane Kansas, KS is 66042, Lane is located at latitude of 38.4347 and a longitude of -95.0804, and it has Franklin county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Lane.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
36863 80705 51451 61750 47136 66042 1237 55949 65590 63048 12450 74555 18054 17949 18827 29564 57358 77415 75667 77453 22504 20144 23089 25444 26675 |
USA | Kansas | Lane | Franklin |
ZIP Codes Map
Lane county
Lane, KS is located in Franklin County. Check the Franklin County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Kansas
Check the entire Kansas ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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