Collins ZIP Codes Georgia – USA
The ZIP Codes of Collins Georgia, GA is 30421, Collins is located at latitude of 32.1852 and a longitude of -82.1095, and it has Tattnall county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Collins.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
35961 80521 80522 80523 80524 80525 80526 80527 80528 80553 6022 30421 50055 62234 71229 64738 39428 39325 14034 14035 14111 45004 44826 74021 76233 84306 24078 54207 |
USA | Georgia | Collins | Tattnall |
ZIP Codes Map
Collins county
Collins, GA is located in Tattnall County. Check the Tattnall County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Georgia
Check the entire Georgia ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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