Andover ZIP Codes Connecticut – USA
The ZIP Codes of Andover Connecticut, CT is 6232, Andover is located at latitude of 41.7332 and a longitude of -72.3767, and it has Tolland county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Andover.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
6232 52701 61233 67002 1810 1812 1845 1899 5501 5544 4216 4226 55304 3216 3231 7821 14806 44003 57422 24215 |
USA | Connecticut | Andover | Tolland |
ZIP Codes Map
Andover county
Andover, CT is located in Tolland County. Check the Tolland County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Connecticut
Check the entire Connecticut ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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