Waupaca county ZIP Codes Wisconsin – USA
The postcode of Waupaca county is 54926, Other cities in this county with zip codes can be found in the list below.
ZIP Code range for Waupaca county
ZIP Codes | Cities | State |
54926 54929 54933 54940 54945 54946 54949 54950 54961 54962 54969 54977 54981 54983 54990 |
Big Falls Clintonville Embarrass Fremont Iola King Manawa Marion New London Ogdensburg Readfield Scandinavia Waupaca Weyauwega Iola |
Wisconsin |
Postcode Wisconsin
The county mentioned are from the state of Wisconsin. To see all zip codes in this state, go to the specific zip code page for Wisconsin.
Zip Codes in the United States
To see ZIP Codes for other state, go to the United States ZIP Codes section.