Lamar county ZIP Codes Alabama – USA
The postcode of Lamar county is 35544, Other cities in this county with zip codes can be found in the list below.
ZIP Code range for Lamar county
ZIP Codes | Cities | State |
35544 35552 35574 35576 35586 35592 30204 30257 39455 39475 39482 75411 75416 75421 75425 75434 75435 75460 75461 75462 75468 75470 75473 75477 75486 |
Beaverton Detroit Kennedy Millport Sulligent Vernon Barnesville Milner Lumberton Purvis Sumrall Arthur City Blossom Brookston Chicota Cunningham Deport Paris Paris Paris Pattonville Petty Powderly Roxton Sumner |
Alabama |
Postcode Alabama
The county mentioned are from the state of Alabama. To see all zip codes in this state, go to the specific zip code page for Alabama.
Zip Codes in the United States
To see ZIP Codes for other state, go to the United States ZIP Codes section.