Itasca county ZIP Codes Minnesota – USA
The postcode of Itasca county is 55709, Other cities in this county with zip codes can be found in the list below.
ZIP Code range for Itasca county
ZIP Codes | Cities | State |
55709 55716 55721 55722 55730 55742 55744 55745 55753 55764 55769 55775 55784 55786 55793 56628 56631 56636 56637 56639 56657 56659 56680 56681 56688 |
Bovey Calumet Cohasset Coleraine Grand Rapids Goodland Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Keewatin Marble Nashwauk Pengilly Swan River Taconite Warba Bigfork Bowstring Deer River Talmoon Effie Marcell Max Spring Lake Squaw Lake Wirt |
Minnesota |
Postcode Minnesota
The county mentioned are from the state of Minnesota. To see all zip codes in this state, go to the specific zip code page for Minnesota.
Zip Codes in the United States
To see ZIP Codes for other state, go to the United States ZIP Codes section.