Woodland ZIP Codes Pennsylvania – USA
The ZIP Codes of Woodland Pennsylvania, PA is 16881, Woodland is located at latitude of 41.0098 and a longitude of -78.3214, and it has Clearfield county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Woodland.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
36280 91364 91365 91367 91371 95695 95776 80863 80866 31836 60974 48897 39776 27897 16881 38271 98674 53099 |
USA | Pennsylvania | Woodland | Clearfield |
ZIP Codes Map
Woodland county
Woodland, PA is located in Clearfield County. Check the Clearfield County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Pennsylvania
Check the entire Pennsylvania ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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