Benton ZIP Codes Missouri – USA
The ZIP Codes of Benton Missouri, MO is 63736, Benton is located at latitude of 37.0697 and a longitude of -89.5664, and it has Scott county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Benton.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
72712 72713 72716 72019 72015 72018 72158 93512 50835 62812 47322 67017 42025 71006 49022 49023 56149 65232 63736 39039 39040 59442 45105 45816 44449 17814 37307 22610 99320 53803 |
USA | Missouri | Benton | Scott |
ZIP Codes Map
Benton county
Benton, MO is located in Scott County. Check the Scott County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Missouri
Check the entire Missouri ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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