Midland ZIP Codes Maryland – USA
The ZIP Codes of Midland Maryland, MD is 21542, Midland is located at latitude of 39.5901 and a longitude of -78.9497, and it has Allegany county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Midland.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
36350 72945 31820 47445 21542 48640 48641 48642 48667 48670 48674 48686 28107 7432 45148 97634 15059 57552 79701 79702 79703 79704 79705 79706 79707 79708 79710 79711 79712 22728 |
USA | Maryland | Midland | Allegany |
ZIP Codes Map
Midland county
Midland, MD is located in Allegany County. Check the Allegany County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Maryland
Check the entire Maryland ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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