Wilson ZIP Codes Kansas – USA
The ZIP Codes of Wilson Kansas, KS is 67490, Wilson is located at latitude of 38.8134 and a longitude of -98.4432, and it has Ellsworth county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Wilson.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
35186 72395 91023 62093 67490 70789 49896 56151 27593 27893 27894 27895 27896 69046 14172 73463 97070 79381 23894 24363 98860 54027 25699 83014 |
USA | Kansas | Wilson | Ellsworth |
ZIP Codes Map
Wilson county
Wilson, KS is located in Ellsworth County. Check the Ellsworth County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Kansas
Check the entire Kansas ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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