Georgetown ZIP Codes Illinois – USA
The ZIP Codes of Georgetown Illinois, IL is 61846, Georgetown is located at latitude of 39.9792 and a longitude of -87.6365, and it has Vermilion county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Georgetown.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
95634 80444 6829 19947 32139 39854 83239 61846 47122 40324 71432 1833 21930 4548 56546 39078 13072 45121 44665 15043 29440 29442 37336 78626 78627 78628 78633 |
USA | Illinois | Georgetown | Vermilion |
ZIP Codes Map
Georgetown county
Georgetown, IL is located in Vermilion County. Check the Vermilion County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Illinois
Check the entire Illinois ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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