Toledo ZIP Codes Ohio – USA
The ZIP Codes of Toledo Ohio, OH is 43601, Toledo is located at latitude of 41.7207 and a longitude of -83.5694, and it has Lucas county. check the below list of ZIP Codes of Toledo.
ZIP Codes | Country | State | City | County |
52342 62468 43601 43603 43604 43605 43606 43607 43608 43609 43610 43611 43612 43613 43614 43615 43617 43620 43623 43635 43652 43654 43656 43657 43659 43660 43661 43666 43667 43681 43682 43697 43699 97391 98591 |
USA | Ohio | Toledo | Lucas |
ZIP Codes Map
Toledo county
Toledo, OH is located in Lucas County. Check the Lucas County ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code Ohio
Check the entire Ohio ZIP Code list.
ZIP Code United States
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